THE AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT FISA 1988 Video RC Bern / Seeclub Rorschach Goldach Men’s Double 1988 0lympic Silver Medal, Seoul Bow Beat Schwerzmann 6’5” 195cm 214lb. 97kg, Stroke Üli Bodenmann 6’3” 190cm 187lb. 85kg, 0°, +35° to -10°, 0-9, 0-9, 0-10 Classical Technique Concurrent Schubschlag, ferryman’s finish I was, almost sixteen, didn’t know how to drive yet, and this iconic figure, Harry Mahon, just saw something. So that was memorable. “He ended up coaching me from age 16 every summer in Sarnen, Switzerland6678 until 1992 when I was 21.”6679 Harry coached Xeno to a Bronze Medal in the singles at the 1990 Junior World Championships on Lac d’Aiguebelette. Müller went on to win the 1996 Olympic Championship in the men’s singles under Australian coach Marty Aitken. Xeno: “If someone asks me where does my rowing style come from, I say, well, I had a New Zealand coach, and I had an Australian coach, and we lived close to Italy. “Leg drive and keeping the shoulders and the upper body relaxed, and relying on 6678 on the Sarnersee, 25 km south of Lucerne. 6679 Müller, op. cit. the skeletal strength, not the muscular strength, were the most important things.”6680 Müller, however, tended to contradict many of the stated precepts of Mahon’s perfect stroke. Relatively short-limbed, Müller engaged his shoulders and arms upon initiating the pullthrough – see the muscle definition in Frames 2 on the following two pages – his shoulders bunched a bit around his ears, and his elbows bent quite early. What Müller had to perfection was good posture (“Sit tall with a strong back.”6681) seamless transition at the end of the pullthrough to the recovery (“Hands should flow out at the speed they came in.”6682) and transition again at the end of the recovery to 6680 Müller, op. cit. 6681 Keystrokes, op. cit. 6682 Ibid. 1845